Since this is the month of food I thought I should try it again, give it another shot. I had already experimented with brussel sprouts again, why not try another food.
I've heard you can pour spaghetti sauce over it and eat it out of the shell, but that didn't sound good to me, so this is what I did:
Basil Spaghetti Squash:
1 medium spaghetti squash
2 Tablepoons Earth Balance, or other vegetable fat
2-3 teaspoons frozen chopped basil
salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 400F
Cut the squash in half and scoop out guts.
Place face down on a cookie sheet and bake for about 20 minutes.
Check the squash - the skin part should be a bit squishy to touch. If it's not ready, take out of the oven, turn over, place 1 tablespoon of earth balance in each part and return to the oven for about 10-15 minutes longer.
Take out of the oven and mix up the squash. Spaghetti squash is a stringy squash - that's how it got it's name (I am assuming) so when you start mixing up the squash you'll see that.
Add the herbs and spices to the mixed squash and serve warm.
oh cool - you make me wish I liked pesto/pasta more. I have two bags of frozen spaghetti squash in the freezer, so let me know if you have other ideas ; )
I LOVE spaghetti squash, and was actually planning on having it for dinner tonight! I may scratch my plans for my squash and try your recipe--thanks!
I just discovered spaghetti squash. It's a beautiful thing. I like spaghetti made with it more than I like the real thing!
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